Considering Multi-Family for Investing? New app to help…

While our business is primarily focused on how we can buy and renovate properties to redevelop them into homes for new buyers or hold them as rental properties – we are also advocates for other investors. But not all investors are long-term players. Many are just getting into the business with the purchase of a […]

Fix it or Sell it ‘as-is’…things to know

Sell Your House ‘As-Is’ Before we dive into whether or not you should, let’s define what an ‘as-is’ house means to the market. When a house is listed ‘as-is’, it means that there is no negotiation on the purchase price for notable defects to the home. It means that any and all issues found related […]

Connecticut Sales and Market Update – 2019

Another lovely article reminding us how Connecticut has yet to recover (particularly in real estate) from the 2008 recession. But, what is encouraging is the direction that things are heading in. The article mentions that home sales did start to slow down and the median price has been generally lower. But, for the first time […]

Selling your home without an Agent (consider a pre-inspection…)

If you are going to sell your home without the services of a Realtor – you might want to consider running a ‘pre-inspection’. Basically, it will give you some insight as to what could come up in an inspection during a buyer’s contract period. Why spend the money? Well, why risk not having your house […]

Benefits of Selling to a Cash Buyer (USA Today)

As a cash buyer, I love seeing articles that help inform Sellers about the pros and cons of selling a home in ‘as-is’ condition. Quick disclaimer – ‘as-is’ doesn’t always mean the house is a complete mess. There are criteria that give a house an ‘as-is’ label – but not everything that you think. Take […]

2019 is a year to sell your home (USA Today)

Every year, markets are predicted as being up or down years for buying and selling real estate. It’s always good to stay on top of these reports and articles. This article from USA Today gives some good reasons to consider selling before the year is up. Why You Should Sell Your Home in 2019 Housing […]

8 Tips when buying a For Sale by Owner

I’m always looking at what other industry companies are saying about different categories of buying and selling real estate. For an insurance entity to write a blog about the “8 Tips of buying a For Sale by Owner” – you know they’ve had their share of headaches. As an insurance company, you’d think they wouldn’t […]

Foreclosure? Be informed before you do anything

It’s unfortunate, but foreclosure is a reality for more people than we realize. It’s nothing to take lightly. Anyone facing a possible foreclosure has so many things to deal with, not the least of which is the stress and anxiety of ‘what happens next’? We are often asked “how can GLG Homes help me out”? […]

Hidden Costs of Selling a Home

Seems like every time you turn around, someone is publishing a report of some flavor about the ups and/or downs of real estate. But, this is a good thing. Third party information helps our decision process. Especially for homeowners who are selling their house. Zillow published its “Hidden Costs of Selling” for 2019. And – […]