Mistakes to avoid when selling your home

mistakes avoid selling your house

I’m always reading. And not just industry information. But, when I come across something that I think will benefit others (professional or personal), I like to share. I was looking for articles on the ‘best practices for selling a home’. You may wonder ‘why’? Well, simply put, things change. While there are tried and true steps to take – let’s face it. Things change. Buyers change their approach as do Sellers. There are various roles in the real estate process and each one goes through change of its own. So, I read.

Anyway, here’s an article from Investopedia titled “Selling your House? Avoid these Mistakes.

There are some good reminders here, especially if you’re selling for the first time.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. My team and I are happy to help in any way that we can.


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